Molly Lorenz
Dr. Venuti
College Prep Writing
Oct 20th, 2009
Hamlet Questions
1. Why has Marcellus begged Horatio to join in the watch?
- Marcellus asked Horatio to join in the watch because the ghost resembled Hamlet’s father, and would not talk to anyone.
2. What was the outcome of the fight between the king Hamlet and King Fortinbras?
- Fortinbras died and lost some of his land.
3. What do Horatio’s comments about Fortinbras’ behavior tell us about Fortinbras’ character and personality?
- The comments tell us that though Fortinbras Jr. is similar to Hamlet, Fortinbras is more rash and quick to strike than Hamlet.
1. Who is Laertes? What is he asking permission to do? Why do you think Claudius grants Laertes permission to go but wants Hamlet to stay?
- Laertes is the son of the advisor-to-the-king, Polonius, and the brother to Ophelia. He is asking permission to return to France, which Claudius obliges, but Claudius does not oblige Hamlet’s request to return to his school because Claudius did not trust Hamlet, especially with what Fortinbras did away from his new king.
2. Why is Hamlet depressed? What evidence can you gather to back up your assessment that Hamlet is depressed?
- Hamlet is depressed because his father died and his mother and his uncle married too quickly for Hamlet’s taste. He is angry with his mother and uncle, and he walks around in a depressed fashion wearing clothes that signify his mourning for his father.
3. How do Claudius and Gertrude respond to Hamlet’s melancholy?
- They basically tell him to cheer up, to not seem so gloomy, and that is was not masculine of him to mourn for his father this way for this long.
4. How does Hamlet learn about the ghost?
- Horatio, Marcellus, and Laertes inform him of it.
1. What advice does Laertes give to Ophelia?
- Laertes gives Ophelia the advice to stay away from Hamlet, because Hamlet
2. Do you think Laertes is a good brother? Is he looking out for his sister or for his own good? Explain.
- I think that while Laertes might care about his sister, it is not his first priority, and I think that he is looking out for his own good, or perhaps what his father tells him to say.
3. What advice, given to Laertes from his father, do you think valuable?
4. Do you think Polonius is a good father? Why or why not?
- I do not think Polonius is a good father because he does not put his children first. Polonius is not even a great advisor because only sometimes does he put his country first.
1. How does Hamlet feel about the drunken revelry in the castle?
- Hamlet feels that this embarrasses and degrades his country in the eyes of others.
2. Why doesn’t Horatio want Hamlet to follow the ghost?
- Horatio does not want Hamlet to follow the ghost because of his superstitious reasons. He knows that Hamlet is depressed after his father’s death, and that depressed people, according to his superstitions are more susceptible to the siren call of the devil in terms of suicide, which would leave Hamlet in a state of hell for all eternity, belonging to the devil.
3. Who says, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark?” What does he mean? What does the statement suggest.
- Marcellus said that quote, suggesting that there is a flaw, or an undercurrent of evil things brewing in the state.
1. Is there any evidence of mistrust so far in the play?
- Yes, Hamlet does not trust Claudius, and vice versa, and there are a lot of trust issues within Polonius’ family.
2. Why does Hamlet’s appearance frighten Ophelia? What is Polonius’ diagnosis?
1. When Gertrude says “More matter with less art,” what does she mean?
- She wants Polonius to report to her with facts, and less dramatic coverings.
2. What do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern agree to do?Why do they agree to do this?
- They agree to spy on Hamlet
4. Why do you think that Hamlet is suspicious of his friends?
5. How do the players fit into Hamlet’s plan for proving that Claudius is guilty of murdering King Hamlet?
6. What does Hamlet mean when he says, “I am but mad north-north west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a hand saw,”
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